L.A. Co-op Lab

5. Choose a Decision Making Process
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This is the swiss army knife of our foldable guides: 1) turn the booklet pages to the left to learn about decisions by consensus, decisions by voting, and mashups of the two. 2) turn the pages to the right to learn about how to facilitate any process well 3) in a little pocket on the front page of the booklet is a tiny tool to help you figure out who should make what decisions in your co-op. 4) the book jacket opens up into a comic-style poster on how to facilitate democratic decisions.
DIY or try before you buy? Download the files here at no cost:
Book jacket: outside
Book jacket: inside (facilitation poster)
Book cover
Little pocket
Who Decides What?
Assembly questions? email gilda@lacooplab.com
Buy a full-color, folded, and assembled guide and we will happily mail it to you.
Download a pdf version of a foldable guide and then print, fold, and assemble it yourself. FREE.
Contact: gilda@lacooplab.com if you need assembly instructions